Wernher's Distress Signal

"To anyone who can hear me, my name is Wernher; I come from a settlement to the north. I have information of great value to anyone willing to help me free my people. Please, help us. This message repeats ..."
I'm sure anyone who has played Fallout 3's "The Pitt" DLC has heard this radio broadcast. Basically it's a distress signal from a guy named Wernher who came from a settlement to the north and has information of great value to anyone willing to help him free his people. This "settlement to the north" is a place referred to as the "Pitt", located on the ruins of Pittsburgh, which pretty much looks exactly the same in 2277 as it did before the nuclear holocaust happened, and "his people" are the Pitt slaves who were obviously enslaved by the Pitt raiders in the Pitt because the Pitt needed Pitt slaves to work the Pitt mill in the Pitt. The Pitt is a Pitt that's run by the Lord of the Pitt who is some old black guy named Ishmael Ashur who used to be in the Brotherhood of Steel, but got left behind when the Brotherhood of Steel went into the Pitt and killed all of the people in the Pitt because the Pitt was a pretty shitty place to be because the Pitt had some extreme air pollution and what not because the Pitt is located in Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh is a pretty shitty place. Long story short, a Pitt explosion in the Pitt mill buried Ashur and the Brotherhood who was raiding the Pitt thought it would be wise just to leave him behind in the Pitt because the Pitt was a pretty shitty place and they didn't want to spend the extra time in the Pitt to help him out of the Pitt rubble from the Pitt explosion in the Pitt mill.
Ashur did eventually get out of the Pitt explosion's Pitt rubble, but it was just because a Pitt scavenger was trying to steal his non-Pitt gear because Pitt gear sucked. The Pitt scavenger didn't get his shit, but he found out there was a whole Pitt family of Pitt scavengers, so he recruited them all to join his new Pitt army so they could build up the Pitt from the shitty place that was Pittsburgh to the okay place that is the Pitt. Yeah, his Pitt army was pretty unstoppable because every time a Pitt or non-Pitt raider showed up in the Pitt trying to kill his Pitt raiders Ashur would just kill the leader and recruit the rest into his Pitt army.
Eventually the Pitt community got too big and the Pitt mill needed more Pitt workers, so they had to start getting Pitt slaves, which is something the Pitt people aren't proud of but it had to be done because reasons.
Eventually Ashur had a kid with some non-Pitt bitch who became a Pitt bitch after coming to the Pitt and that kid was a Pitt kid that was immune to Pittsburgh so they tried to test the Pitt kid to produce a Pitt cure for the Pittsburgh mutations of the Pitt.
Basically Wernher was one of the Pitt raiders in the Pitt until he tried to overthrow Ashur and got thrown in with the Pitt slaves, but escaped the Pitt and went to the Capital Wasteland and made a radio broadcast trying to get people to come to the Pitt with him to free the Pitt slaves and overthrow Ashur so Wernher can take over the Pitt. How Wernher plans to take over the Pitt is kidnapping Ashur's Pitt kid so he can cure the Pittsburgh mutations himself.
It was sometime after I started another Fallout 3 playthrough when I decided to go to the Pitt again. I played Wernher's distress signal and headed north with my good buddy Fawkes. When I met with Wernher, got a slave outfit, got to the train tunnel and all that good stuff, my game suddenly crashed.
I went to restart my game when a couple of guys who were up to no good broke down my door and put a slave collar on me in a way that made me feel uncomfortable. They took me all the way up north to Pittsburgh and put me to work smelting steel. I was there in the pretty shitty place that is Pittsburgh for so long (about five minutes) that I forgot my own name and was insane enough to name myself Wernher because all we Pittsburgh slaves had was Time Warner, which kind of sucked, so for some reason I named myself Warner but I forgot how Warner was spelled so it ended up being Wernher.
I used my basic knowledge of electronics to disable my shitty Pittsburgh slave collar and I managed to escape the pretty shitty place that is Pittsburgh. Now I'm somewhere northwest of Washington DC and I'm looking for help from anybody to help free the Pittsburgh slaves and I from the pretty shitty Pittsburgh and Time Warner.
To anyone who can hear me, my name is Wernher; I come from a settlement to the north. I have information of great value to anyone willing to help me free my people. Please, help us.
Shat by